Matina Jewell: What the military taught her about life, love & leadership

Oct 09, 2019

In this episode, I’m talking to Major Matina Jewell who really like no other lady I know. This is LONG episode but trust me, it’s worth it for the insights on resilience, leadership, working in a male-dominated space and really just general kicking butt in life.

I actually met Matti after she spoke at A Commonwealth Bank Women In Focus event where she’d shared her story and everyone was left shocked, in tears and in awe of her strength.

After living quite close we were lucky enough to become friends and I got to see how this incredible military human weapon was also this beautiful suburban blonde-haired, blue-eyed mumma. So different from ten years ago as she was working to capture warlords and restore peace in third world nations.

During her 15-year military career she:

  • Earned eight war medals,

  • Completed the physically demanding Navy divers course,

  • Served with American Navy Seals,

  • Tracked militia leaders in the Solomons,

  • Boarded smuggler ships in the Arabian Gulf and,

  • Was posted as a peacekeeper with the United Nations in Syria and Lebanon.

  • Has a Masters in Project Management

  • Speaks 3 languages

  • Represented Australia in two sports

  • The only Australian to ever receive two Republic of Lebanon war medals in combat and the Lebanese war medal for acts of bravery on the battlefield.

Medically retired, Matina served on the Prime Ministerial Advisory Council and continues to champion change for injured war veterans.

Among many honorary roles, Matina is a founding Ambassador for ‘Project Thankful‘, a movement partnered with the United Nations to help empower women and children globally.

Matina has been featured on the ABC’s Australian Story, is a best-selling author of the book 'Caught in the Crossfire' and her life story is currently being made into a feature film.

So yeah, just totally your average Australian Female! :)

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