Justine Teggelove on thriving in a male dominated environment
Oct 09, 2019
This week I’m lucky enough to talk to Justine Teggelove, an absolute powerhouse in the construction industry. We’re pretty sure she’s the only woman founder & operational CEO of a commercial construction company and we’ll be talking about how she thrives in that environment as well as the advice she has for you in investing in property and renovating your home, managing your team and your own emotions and her big business and new business.
Justine is one of the founders and CEO of Rodine. Rodine is a commercial construction company based in Melbourne with a national project portfolio for a multitude list of high profile clients. Melbourne International Airport, Westfield (Scentre Group), GPT and MCG to name a few.
Not to sit on her laurels, and noticing a gap in the market for female consumers in the building and property arena, Justine Co-founded Build In Common in 2017 which addresses empowering females to be well informed and confident consumers in the building and property market.
Justine had the honour in 2018 of being listed in the Australians construction industry Top 100 Women. She has also been nominated for Telstra Australian Business Woman of the Year Awards in 2016 and 2017. Additionally to this, Justine was invited to attend a Business Chicks and Virgin Unite women’s leadership program on Necker Island in 2016 with Sir Richard Branson, Netflix Co-founder Mr Marc Randolph and other world leaders.
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