Ep135 How to create your Million Dollar Micro Business

books Jul 21, 2021
Tina Tower Her Empire Builder Podcast

On this week's latest podcast of Her Empire Builder, I have shared the excerpt of the last chapter of my book, Million Dollar Micro Business. On my first book, One life -- I have shared with you the first chapter and usually that's how other authors would do. But you know me, I am never the traditional one! 

If you have read my book then probably you already know what I was talking about in the podcast. And if you haven’t you are free to go to, order a copy of the book and get the free digital workbook you can use!

So all throughout the book, I gave you guidelines and how to’s of things you’ll need but here are 3 things I wanted you to know:

Put yourself into your first launch and have fun! Your first launch is supposed to be fun yet at the same time will take you out of the comfort zone that you are in. If you want to make it a success, you’re gonna have to put away whatever shyness or thoughts of backing away and dive into your plan. You won’t be able to find what the online course world could give you unless you step into your light and give your best to keep on shining!

Keep on shining -- Consistency is your key! If you haven’t listened to all my other podcasts, then you must not know yet that this is something I kept on repeating. That is because it is really something you should remember. As I have written in my book, ‘The key is to sustain your efforts for at least 18 months with as much enthusiasm as you had on day one. -- You'll get the results if you persist until you achieve them.’ Whatever effort you’ve put into when you started, must remain even if you’ve been in business for a year. Your customers will love you because of the faith you’ve out into taking care and building your connection with them!

Get rid of the what ifs and start with what YOU can be! By the time you are nearing your launch, you might possibly be getting anxious about so many things. Doubts start to creep in your head, questioning every bit of what you have started. So instead of letting yourself get swallowed up in a pool filled with your fears, why don’t you just get up, and think of what YOU can be if you push ahead and get yourself in the best game you should be! Darling, you are more than your fears. You can do so much more and you have to start bringing it on!

So here are the things I’d like you to know. There’d be more if you will read the book so again, head on to and order your copy. We’ve got more to give than you could ever imagine! Stay amazing!

Show notes:

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