Ep133 My EA Interviews Me about Million Dollar Micro Business

books business Jul 08, 2021
Tina Tower Her Empire Builder Podcast

In the latest episode of Her Empire Builder Podcast, my beautiful right hand woman, Jarrah Wallace interviews me all about my new book, Million Dollar Micro Business, which we have just released last week and is a best seller!

So turning the tables now, I wanted to get interviewed about the book on the podcast and be able to answer all the questions my member and Jarrah has for me. Here is a quick two sentence answers that I have for each of the questions I got!

Are you anticipating that Million Dollar Micro Business will become the next Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. And what do you plan on saying to Tim Ferriss when you overtake him? Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris is one of my favorite books that I read every year and I would love to be the new one. And maybe be one of his guest on the Tim Ferris Show!

What's been your most effective marketing strategy so far? We have done a lot of marketing strategies for the book and it includes the photoshoot for social media posts so I could shout to the world to buy my new book, then the challenges we hold for our members to share, and the Pre-order bonuses which I believe made a great impact on its release. And all of it was worth it!

How long did it take you to write? It took me longer than I was supposed to which was November but I got it finished by January. There were quite a lot of things happening at that point that it had to be pushed back.

How long did you spend planning versus writing? It took longer than my first book -- One life, and that is because this is a guidebook. I wanted it to have everything that I know and put it in a linear outline where whoever reads it, whether they've just started with their online course or very knowledgeable with it, will be able to relate and understand.

Did you have any distinct moments when you let go of some of your imposter syndrome? And she says, I'm assuming everyone has imposter syndrome or does it just fade as you become more experienced in your business? I certainly did. I had so much expectation and goal for this book that I had a massive spiral of thoughts of doubting myself and what I did but I got over it and realized that this life is short and I'm going to go and do it!

As soon as it got published, was there something that you wished that you'd added? You know, that we all have those conversations where we walk away? And then this amazing idea comes to you, but then it's too late to add? Is there anything that you thought of after the fact? NO. There is nothing more I wished for it to have because it has everything I wanted to share about my experience.

Why did you decide to have our success stories in the book? I mainly don't want this book to be boring and dry and I wanted it to have personality and movement in it. Because my goal is for people to be able to relate to this book or the people in it in whatever walk of life that they are in.

What criteria did you choose or select the business owners that you featured in the book? There were a lot of people I've put on the list but most of them did not get back to me. So we ended up with people that I had second degree personal connection with and I mostly admired.

How many kilos of maltesers do you reckon you consumed whilst writing it? So this is something I always say that my reward for myself to get myself over the word count was to pop a Malteser every 500 words. And I have done the math and it's just too many.

Is having contributors and telling other people's stories a good way for us to filter business women to get a book out there? Or is it a good way to market it to have different stories? Yes it is a good thing because it is one way to help harness that person's audience and expanding that reach. You are also creating massive exposure, without really having to do any of the effort of putting a book together or marketing it.

How would you say to someone wanted to become a contributor in a book, or how would someone put themselves out there too? So the way I got in Dale Bowman's book Secrets of Small Business Owners Exposed in 2004 was I emailed him saying how much I loved his other book Secrets of Female Entrepreneurs Exposed and he then asked me to be part of it! So there, just put yourself out there. 

Now that you've written two books, are you already planning? If so, what will be the topic? Not this time yet but I'm going to share my actual lifetime goals includes speaking at the General Assembly for the United Nations in New York. Another is writing like naughty novels.

How long did it take for you to decide on the topic for this book? Did you have lots of ideas? So it was about a year before when I bought the domain name Million Dollar Micro Business and I got stuck with that name because I love it. And so for the topic there were people who kept asking me how to get into this world of online course and so I thought a book would be a fabulous way to help.

What is the biggest piece of advice that you would give to someone thinking of writing their first book? Write it! That's it!

How did you schedule and structure your time for writing the book? My advice would be wherever possible, take yourself out of the environment. Batch it out whenever is possible, whether you write it, type it, or do it in Otter.

Would you recommend self publishing versus book publishing? It depends on what your goals are. I loved self publishing because I love the freedom and the control with it but I chose to go publishing this time, because you can't get the distribution, like you can with a publisher and it's was totally 100% worth it.

What do you think and having PR versus no PR? Yes we need a PR and the PR that I have at the moment is killing it. He's specific for book releases so he understands the whole pre-release and it's been so worth getting one.

Who will play Tina in the epic blockbuster movie? My favorite actress is Isla Fisher and she's also Australian. I'll stick with her.

That's all the questions we answered! So if you haven't bought and read the book, go to and get yours. We have a competition running all throughout July, come and join us by getting your book, sharing it on Instagram and tagging me @tina_tower.

Show notes:

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