Join business strategist Tina Tower as she explores how to build your empire by packaging your expertise into online courses, speaking, content, podcasting and credibility.

Tina has over 17 years of experience in starting, building and selling companies, she's a speaker, teacher, mama and world traveller.

She's unapologetic about living an intentionally big life and if you want too, this show is designed to show you many different options to help you gain clarity over YOUR version of awesome.


  • Consistency builds confidence and overcomes self-doubt.

  • Ambition requires resilience; failures lead to success.

  • Breaking tasks into steps made goals manageable.

  • Create goals, evaluate, adjust, find accountability partner.

  • Explore inner self alignment with "No Bad Parts."

Hi friend! 🌟 Are you feeling a bit lost in your business and unsure of what to do next? You're not alone, and this week's episode of Her Empire Builder is just what you need to get back on track! Yay!

In this episode, we’re jumping into some fun and easy steps to shake off indecision and overwhelm, helping you create that momentum you’ve been longing for! Whether it’s the jitters of failure, feeling like you’re going in circles, or just not having a clue where to kick things off—we’re here to help!

Get ready to discover:

🌟 How to change your perspective on fear and stop it from holding you back
🌟 Easy and doable steps to make progress TODAY!
🌟 Breaking big goals into small, manageable tasks is super helpful! It makes everything feel a lot easier and more fun. 

Just take it step by step, and you'll be amazed at how much you can accomplish!
The key to finding clarity is all about taking action (not striving for perfection!)
Excited to break free and take your business to the next level? 

Go ahead and smash that download button, and let’s do this together! 🎧

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We have some incredible things happening at Her Empire Builder this year! If you are a course creator, you have to be a part of this incredible community. Jump on to and check it out!

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Her Empire Builder is a combination of live sessions and pre-recorded content to help you get what you need, when you need it.

I know that you're the expert and you've got all of your subject knowledge nailed - now it's time to build the business behind your online course and stop being the worlds best kept secret. 


Show transcription 


Tina Tower [00:00:01]:
Welcome to another episode of her Empire Builder show. I am Tina Tower, and today we are talking about getting unstuck. Now, you are not alone. If you have felt stuck in your business from time to time, I know that throughout my journey, there's different points where I want to make a change or I want to do something big and you feel a little stuck before going forward. And often that is because we could be at our edge. We could be reaching the part where, you know, we've reached the furthest potential that we have until this point. And so our beautiful nervous systems, our beautiful brains like to protect us. And when we get to that edge of our current potential is when it starts going, warning, warning.

Tina Tower [00:00:50]:
And it will do everything that it can to try and keep us where we are. And so to get yourself unstuck, there are different ways that, that I'm going to share with you to find your momentum without the fear of getting it wrong. Because often that feeling of stuckness will come because of that fear of getting it wrong. And if you've ever felt like you're spinning your wheels or trying everything but you're still not moving forward, then you are definitely not alone. It's a common roadblock that almost every successful entrepreneur has faced. But I promise by the end of this episode, you are going to feel empowered. I'm going to give you some practical steps to move forward, even if you are currently unsure of which direction to take. Let's get it.

Tina Tower [00:01:38]:
Hello and welcome to her Empire Builder show. I'm your business strategist and host, Tina Tower and I am so happy you are here. My goal with this show is to bring you the inspirational and informative conversations with interesting humans as well as the tools, tips and resources resources to help you build your online business. Since starting my first business at 20, I have built and sold four times. And in 2018, while travelling around the world with my family for a year, I tripped and fell into this wonderful world of online courses and I instantly fell in love. I'm a million dollar course creator, a world traveler, best selling author, a mummer of two man children, and a lucky wife. There's no playing small here. It's your time to grow to run a highly profitable business that makes you wildly wealthy while you positively impact your clients and the world around you and have the life you've always dreamed of.


Main Episode

Tina Tower [00:02:36]:
Let's get it. First of all, I will tell you, feeling stuck is very, very common. I know that I have conversations with members inside her empire builder about it every single week. My latest one that was today was someone emailing me saying, you know, they're not sure on which is their next course topic and what will be their unique value proposition, and they're going back on all these different things. And really the answer is very simple, is just pick one. Pick one and get started. But as we know, it is a lot more complex than that. And a lot of the time where we're, you know, especially as women and especially as course creators, where you're a little exposed online, too, it's this combination of balancing ambition and self doubt that comes in there.

Tina Tower [00:03:27]:
You know, 1 minute you'll be like, all right, I'm going to do this. Like, you can see the dream, you can see everything that you want to do. And then because you're at that edge already and you're going, you know, you're daring to go further than you've ever gone before, that is when our brain will start kind of seeding in those little bits of self doubt. Really, it's just trying to protect you. And so often I will look at that and I'll go, you know, there's a part of myself that is being the protector right now. And so how can I recognize that and talk to that part of myself and go, you know, it's okay, we're okay. This is what we're trying to do, and this is where we're going. And what I find is being stuck often comes from fear.

Tina Tower [00:04:08]:
Fear of failure, fear of making the wrong move, fear of wasting time and money and resources. It's usually around that, that fear based kind of thing. And so we. We want to really be able to identify what is it that's holding us back so that we can name it and so that we can move through it. I find the easiest way to do that is by taking little micro steps. I was talking to someone about this the other day in one of our masterclasses and talking about how success isn't as sexy as what everybody thinks it is. You know, everyone thinks it's these big, bold moves that we're. That we're going for.

Tina Tower [00:04:45]:
And one day, like, all of a sudden, you're just going to hit this success ramp. But it's actually much slower than that. But, you know, it's consistency over time. It's not the sexy things. It's what you do when no one's watching. It's doing those really tiny micro steps that don't feel like much at the time in terms of progress, but they compound. And so every month, like, one of the questions I ask myself on my end of month checklist every month is, was I 1% better this month? And I find something that I was 1% better, whether that was I increased my conversion rate or I got 1% better in podcast downloads or, like, all the different things that we have in our business, I look for 1% better. If you are constantly always trying to be 1% better than you were before, like, screw comparing yourself to anybody else.

Tina Tower [00:05:33]:
Just try and be better than you were before. And that consistency over time is going to give you the confidence to take bigger and bolder moves because you then know that you're the type of person that can take these actions and you're going to be okay. And so that part of yourself will be stronger than the part of yourself that is planting in that seed self doubt. And so what the fear does is it slows your progress and it affects your confidence. And we don't want that to happen because the more you give in to it, the slower your progress is going to go. And then, of course, it's going to be like this self fulfilling prophecy that's like, well, I was trying to get, like, I was feeling stuck, but then, you know, I didn't do anything, so I'm still stuck. And then you're going to get less confidence, and then it's not going to be able to give you the fuel that you need to propel yourself forward. So when you don't know what step to take next, it's really easy to feel like you're drowning in this, like, sea of to do's.

Tina Tower [00:06:30]:
Like, I know, you know, even for myself, like, I'm 20 years in and this doesn't end. Like, I will look at my to do list sometimes because my ambition is such that, you know, I want to do a lot of really cool things, and I have to be really kind of, like, really discerning of what I say yes to what can take my time, what can take my energy. Because when you get a overwhelmed, when you feel like you're drowning in that sea of to dos, the momentum just halts. And so the good news for that is, is getting unstuck all starts in your mind. And so one of the first steps is to shift your mindset when you're looking at doing something and you're afraid of failing or you're afraid of making the wrong move, like, really knowing that business is just this constant, curious experiment and getting it wrong is part of the process. Every misstep you take is a stepping stone to success, and you will not find the right path until you take a few wrong turns. And that is very difficult to accept. I know that, especially in the early days when, when people get it wrong, you can take it really personally and go, oh, well, maybe I'm not cut out for this.

Tina Tower [00:07:41]:
Maybe I'm not good enough or whatever. Enough that kind of is for you and your own little pet grievance that we give ourselves. But really, a lot of it is part of the process. You never get 100% of the shots that you take, and so you've got to be willing to experiment. If I used the example of the person before and who is my target audience, well, just pick one that starts. Pick the one that you want to work with all the time. Pick the one that is the lowest hanging fruit, the easiest that you could sell to right now, so that you can start to get runs on the board. And if you launch and you get it wrong, then you learn from that and you go again.

Tina Tower [00:08:23]:
Like, it really is as simple as that. There are no guarantees for success, and that is something that, you know, you got to embrace for your whole business journey. Like, you've probably heard the saying, embrace the suck. There is a lot of it that is not as sexy as what we're sold in entrepreneurship. Like, there is a lot of it that sucks. There is a lot of it where we're constantly evolving and pushing against our edge. And to me, that is beautiful and exciting. Exciting because as tricky as it is, when you're in the stuck phase, let me tell you, there is no greater feeling than when you get your goal, when you get to the other side of that and you did the thing that you wanted to do, and, you know, everything that you did behind the scenes in order to do that, you know, the mindset blocks that you had to overcome, you know, how much you put yourself out there, you know what you have done, and you can stand there so tall and so proud because you're the one that did it.

Tina Tower [00:09:25]:
And so I think that. I think it's worth it. Like, you know, it's a part of that the critic that counts speech. And, you know, I don't ever want to be with those cold and timid souls who never knew victory nor defeat for me. Like, you know, you could take the easy road and not be an entrepreneur, and you'll never have the low lows and you'll never have the high highs. But to me, it's a worthwhile pursuit in going, yeah, I mean, you've got to grid in. You've got to try. You're putting yourself at more risk than what a lot of people are in life.

Tina Tower [00:09:55]:
But then you get the rewards with that as well. You get the flip side, you get both. And so really, at that stuck phase, like, really try and concentrate on progress over perfection. And waiting for the perfect move is what will keep you stuck a lot of the time. So perfection, like, totally is the enemy of progress. I do believe in quality work. I don't mean, like, you know, just send something half ass. But I do think that if you're waiting for something to be, like, totally, 100% perfect, it's never going to get there.

Tina Tower [00:10:33]:
And so what's important is that you're taking steps, even small ones, to keep moving forward so that you can get that momentum and get that confidence building and just start, because that's what will get those runs on the board. Okay. So the next thing that we want to do is look at practical steps to get unstuck. So I've got four main practical steps for you. The first one is break it down into small tasks. Now, if launching your course feels overwhelming or running your first event or creating a new website or creating a new offer, whatever you are doing, it's going to feel overwhelming at the start. I know I'm in the process at the moment of starting two new businesses. And it is overwhelming when you look at everything that you've got to do, but you break it down.

Tina Tower [00:11:21]:
Like, you just start with the outline. Just start with one step at a time. Don't look at the whole mountainous, like, take that helicopter view. Like, rise up, look at the whole mountain. Plan it all out. Like, break it into all the small tasks. I use because I'm obsessed. I love planning.

Tina Tower [00:11:40]:
I love lists. You know, I was talking to a friend of mine this morning and I said, like, I've, it's October and I have planned out every day for the rest of the year because, like, all of my tasks, all of my to do list, like, everything is there because I wanted to know, like, can I make it or not? And I get security in planning and list. Like, I love the feeling of knowing everything can happen on time. And what happened was I was getting overwhelmed because I was looking at everything I wanted to do and I was just looking at the mountain. I wasn't looking at the small task. I was just looking at this beast going, am I gonna get this done? Like, how am I gonna get this done? This seems too much like I am a fabulous woman, but I am but one woman. Can it be done? And so I spent, like, a good 5 hours breaking that mountain down into all of the different steps, all of the different milestones that I wanna reach, and then got my calendar open and put all of those things on my calendar. And what happened by the end was everything seemed so much more achievable and manageable.

Tina Tower [00:12:39]:
But also, there was too many things that if I hadn't have made that list, I just wouldn't have made it. And so I would have felt really disappointed that I didn't get it done in time. But I was just very unrealistic with what I was hoping to achieve. And so I was able to look at it really realistically and go, okay, I know that this is going to take me 5 hours. I know this part's going to take me six. I know this part needs a whole day. I know I'm going to need a rest day in here to recover. If I'm doing some recording for new stuff, I need a rest day after.

Tina Tower [00:13:07]:
So put all of that into my calendar, and then I can just trust the process now, until it's done, I will not look or think about the mountain again. I will simply look at my list and just do the next thing. Just one little thing at a time, just one step at a time. And then all of a sudden, you're like, oh, my God, I did it. It's done. Whoop, whoop. A whoop, whoop. And it feels so good.

Tina Tower [00:13:29]:
So break it down into small tasks. Step two is to create your 90 day action plan. So, so similar to what I just talked about. Then I go in 90 day blocks for a lot of my business I have done for over ten years now is. Is really short term. Like, you know, we're in October now looking at the last quarter of the year. Like, what do you want to achieve in that time? And in 90 days, you can create massive progress if you focus on clear, actionable goals. So remember, like, it's all about moving forward.

Tina Tower [00:14:00]:
Don't worry about getting every single step perfect, but make your plan that's realistic and then stick to it. So this brings us straight into step three. When you make a decision, stick with it for the 90 days. I see people all the time, like, make their decision, spend all the time doing that, and then after step one, they start getting all of that self doubt back in, and they're like, I don't know if I'm doing the right thing. Like, I don't know if I'm going the right direction. Hang on, I'm gonna. Someone else is doing this so I'm gonna go over there and I'm gonna do what they're doing over there. And, you know, you've got to really just, just trust yourself, trust the decision that you made.

Tina Tower [00:14:35]:
Like, getting stuck inside. Indecision is one of the biggest momentum killers. I want you to pick a direction and go. The key here is commitment. So once you commit to a path, you'll gain the clarity as you go, and then you can pivot. And this is why I like 90 day blocks, is because 90 days is kind of long enough to stick with something to make sure you're not chopping and changing, but it short enough that you're not going in the wrong direction for too long. So because it's a really hard thing to know, like, at what point do you kill an idea? Because sometimes an idea doesn't work because you haven't put enough time and effort into it, and sometimes the idea sucks. And so you've really got to be able to discern between the two of those.

Tina Tower [00:15:18]:
So I'm like, if you can create a 90 day path and give it all you've got for that 90 days and it flies, then great, you can then make decisions at the end of that 90 days and pivot to the next stage of growth at the end of that 90 days. If it doesn't, then you can look at, go back to that helicopter view, look at the mountain again and go, all right, where did I take a misstep? I'm going to need a different path. Step four is find an accountability partner or a mentor or a business coaching group that you're part of. So obviously I have her empire builder. We have a lot of our members that listen to this podcast. Hi, friends. But I really do believe that having someone that can encourage you, that you can check in with, especially during uncertain times, can really give you that nudge to stay on track. Even just when you're surrounding yourself with other people that are in the arena having a go, it will inspire you to keep that momentum yourself because otherwise the weeks and months can really disappear.

Tina Tower [00:16:14]:
And then, you know, we're kind of there going, oh, my gosh. Like, I. I talk to people all the time and they're like, you know, I've been in my course, like, ideation phase for a year. I'm like, no, you haven't. You have not been in the ideation phase for a year. You've been in the procrastination phase for a year. Like, it doesn't take a year. Like, you can get that done in a couple of days.

Tina Tower [00:16:35]:
It does not take a year. And so if you're in that stage, like, this is the time to get unstuck and get shit done, like, your dreams are worth it, you are worth it. You deserve a result. Give yourself that result. So right now, what I want you to do is I want you to choose one thing that you've been putting off. I want you to put some time in your calendar to break down that mountain into the smaller tasks and make a decision to just tackle one part of it. Like, just start at the beginning and get some runs on the board. Give yourself that confidence to show you that you can.

Tina Tower [00:17:08]:
And ask yourself, where are you holding back in your business, in your life at the moment because you're afraid of failing? And how can you talk to that part of yourself to shift that into action? So, you know, don't judge that part of yourself. It's just trying to protect you. It's trying to look after you. And so instead of judging, like, be really kind, be really compassionate to yourself and go, you know, thank you. Thank you for doing this for me. Like, I know in the past I may have needed that. I know for me personally, I needed a lot of protection from different things in the past. You know, I had a lot of personal things that I worked through in my early twenties or probably actually, I don't think they've ever finished.

Tina Tower [00:17:53]:
There's always different things that are coming up, and one of the, if you're curious about parts and different parts of yourself, Richard Schwartz wrote a book called no bad parts. It's about ifs the internal family systems, but the name internal family systems kind of throws you. It's not necessarily about families. It's about, like, the family of parts of yourself. So it's looking at the different parts of yourself and how to get who to turn up the volume on and who to turn down the volume on and how to recognize those different parts and get all your parts in alignment and talking to each other. It's a lot of work that I did on that last year, and it was game changing for me. Really hope it can be really cool for you, too. So I want to leave you with, like, building your six figure, seven figure business.

Tina Tower [00:18:43]:
Like, it doesn't matter what you're building towards, building anything of success and note doesn't happen overnight. Every single small step matters. Every single small step will compound your confidence and get you closer in the direction of your dreams. You have absolutely got this. Every time you take a step forward, no matter how small you're closer to that freedom, to that flexibility, to that financial independence that you're dreaming of. And don't forget, you're never alone in this. You have so many business owners around you that are there to support you. You just need to access that support as well.

Tina Tower [00:19:20]:
So go and get unstuck and do the epic thing that you're dreaming of doing. I believe in you. This episode was brought to you by my signature group coaching program, her empire building the best online education for female course creators in the world. Check it out along with so many free resources to help you get building your empire and seeing those results that you deserve. If you loved this episode, please don't keep it a secret. Share it with a friend on social media and tag @tina_tower and give it a review. It really does help us to be able to bring you bigger and better content as we grow.

Tina Tower [00:20:01]:
Have the most beautiful day. I'm Tina Tower, and I'm cheering you on all the way.