Join business strategist Tina Tower as she explores how to build your empire by packaging your expertise into online courses, speaking, content, podcasting and credibility.
Tina has over 17 years of experience in starting, building and selling companies, she's a speaker, teacher, mama and world traveller.
She's unapologetic about living an intentionally big life and if you want too, this show is designed to show you many different options to help you gain clarity over YOUR version of awesome.

Pragmatic, strategic person focused on launch success.
High stakes launch: responsibility and pressure.
Launching: proud, exposed, vulnerable, high stakes, resilience.
Concern over performance. Attempting to offer encouragement.
Thorough launch plan available for free.
Whale breached during webinar, felt universe's nod.
Early business challenges, close engagement, and launch mantra.
Strategic planning key for stress-free launch.
Plan and prepare for successful product launches.
Prepare, seek help, and give full energy.
Running a live launch is a course creators game day! There's high stakes and high energy! In this episode, I dive into the essentials for maintaining peak energy during your launch:
From mindset hacks to physical energy boosters, strategic planning, and staying connected with your audience, I cover it all. Whether it's meditating for clarity or scheduling like a pro, these tips will help you thrive, not just survive, your next big launch.
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Join in our upcoming launch fun here
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I know that you're the expert and you've got all of your subject knowledge nailed - now it's time to build the business behind your online course and stop being the worlds best kept secret.
Show transcriptionÂ
Tina Tower [00:00:00]:
Hi, friend Tina Tower here. Welcome to her Empire builder show, and thank you for spending the next little while with me. Today we're talking about launch energy, which is a topic near and dear to my heart as a business strategist for online course creators, because it's something that we spend a lot of time talking about and debating with. There is different people that I will talk to that we debate between should we live launch or should we evergreen? And I think that every business should have a combination of both if you're running online courses. However, for some people, live launching is incredibly stressful. And today I want to talk about, if you're wanting to get better at live launching, how you can manage your energy throughout that, because it is such an energetic thing to get right. There is. I am very much a pragmatist.
Main Episode
Tina Tower [00:00:56]:
I'm really pragmatic. I'm really practical. I'm very systems based, strategic kind of person. However, when it gets to launch time, you've kind of done, you've done all the training, you've done all the preparation, you've done everything there. Then it is kind of over to the universe and how you manage your energy. There has been launches where everything looks right and everything kind of is set up right, but my energy is a bit off and people can feel it. Even if you try and hide it so well. There is often, like, the launches that go really well are when I'm in the zone, when I am feeling good, like, you know what it's like when you're in your business, when you're on this role and you're, like, winning and everything's going well, and you're like, one good thing after another is happening and you actually feel like the universe is rigged in your favor.
Tina Tower [00:01:47]:
Like, that is a business owner's best feeling, right? Because you're there, just like, this is so good. Everything's just happening so well. Conversely, you've got the other end of the coin, which is the other side of the coin. I'm, like, crossed the other end of the stick and the other side of the coin. Anyway, you've got the other spectrum. That is when things are going bad and you feel like there's just one thing after another and the dominoes falling and then your resilience is getting lower and lower. I have been in that situation in a launch where I just, like, burst into tears and I'm just there going, I can't do this. This is just all too much.
Tina Tower [00:02:23]:
I think there was like, what was I launch four or five? This launch that we're coming into now. So we're about to launch Harem Payer builder at the time that this episode is coming out next week, we're opening doors, which is why I thought it was very pertinent to talk about launch energy because obviously that's what I'm planning at the moment for our launch. And so I'm deep in it myself, coaching myself with how I can do better. And so it was something that I wanted to share with you. But if you're looking at joining us on any of our launch activities, we have our free challenge for AI, for course creators. We have a webinar, we have lives going on. Like, it's like a party up in here. And obviously, doors open.
Tina Tower [00:03:01]:
You can go to her launch and get all of those details. That's her launch. But when we're going through all of this, this launch that I've got coming up is, I think, like my 21st launch. So I've done it a lot of times and I've had some great ones and I've had some not so great ones. There are two that I've had that were shockers and both of those I can put down two. The energy was just off. And so this is what I want to talk about today, because you get to the end of a launch, and if you're not managing your energy, if you're not properly prepared, if you're thinking, it's just like another day at the office. And sometimes I hear people do that, I'll hear people talk about live launches and just like, you know, I just carried on like normal and did that.
Tina Tower [00:03:52]:
I also think that that's doing a disservice because it is the time where it's a game day. Like, to me in business, we're a marathon, not a sprint, right? We, we definitely have little sprints within our businesses, but we're doing this year after year after year. And to me, a live launch is like a game day. It is like you're a footy player and you've been training and you've been at training camp and you've been having your physios and your nutritionists and your strength coaches and your mindset coach, you've done all the things, and now it is game day. It is time to perform like it's do or die. Leave it all on the field. Let's go. To me, that is what a launch is.
Tina Tower [00:04:32]:
And I actually love that. I love, I mean, when I was a kid, I played state netball, I swam state level swimming. I wanted to top all my classes. Like, I have always loved to compete and I've always loved to win. And so I take it very seriously and I love the rush of it. I love seeing what we're capable of. I love that everything has led to this moment in terms of, you know, for us. We launch, do a live launch twice a year, and so we spend six months in the off season just giving value, just nurturing, just looking after our current clients, and then launch for one week.
Tina Tower [00:05:12]:
So it's very high stakes, and there's a lot that rides on it for both me, for my family, for our finances, for the sustainability of our program, for my team. There is a lot riding on it. And so the responsibility is really quite large. And I know that with a lot of people, when you come into a live launch situation, that can feel really, really heavy. And so when I have not performed well is when that heaviness has won, it's when that has beaten me. And it's like, you go into that, you know what it feels like, like you go into that desperate energy and you start, like, throwing in different bonuses, or you start, like, getting your hustle on, which I do think you get your hustle on. Like, don't get me wrong, I follow up everyone, like, we have a really good system for making sure no one is left behind kind of thing. Um, but just doing stupid stuff, like, really that desperate energy.
Tina Tower [00:06:06]:
And I know, you know what I. What I mean? Because every business owner has been there at some point where you're like, you know what, I need to make this work. Or maybe I can't pay the mortgage, or maybe I can't feed the family, or, like, this is high stakes. And so I don't think there is any point, or I think it's actually quite damaging to say, I hear people sometimes go like, don't put too much emphasis on it. Just hold it lightly. Just. It doesn't even matter. And for a lot of people, it does matter.
Tina Tower [00:06:30]:
Like, this is work that we do, that we're really proud of, that we put out into the world. And I think when someone does a launch, it's very, like, you're very exposed, you're very vulnerable. You're putting yourself out there for people to judge, for people to see, like, do they want to work with you or not? It can be really hard to take it, to not take it personally, and it can be really hard to hold it lightly when the stakes are so high. And this is what makes launching great and also what makes it really difficult. And so what is really probably the hardest thing is when you do really feel into the weight of it, that is when you're going to screw it up. And so it's kind of like you've got to acknowledge, yes, this is a big deal, yes, this is high stakes, yes, I'm going to do the best that I can, but also I'm going to play to win, not play not to lose, because there's a very different energy in there. And so when we're playing to win, we're going all the way. Like, I spoke to someone the other day who was on day one of their launch and it wasn't going as well as what they wanted it to and they had given up already.
Tina Tower [00:07:42]:
They're like, this isn't going to work. I knew it was going to be a bad launch. I knew this wasn't going to happen. I should just give it up now. And da da da da. And I was like, oh, my gosh. And the thing is, I went through the exact same thing with my son on the weekend. So my son is.
Tina Tower [00:07:55]:
He has aspirations of being a professional golfer. He takes it very, very seriously. I have no idea where he gets that from. Sometimes I'm like, it's funny, you know, like with your kids that you try and coach them on different things and you hear the things that you say to them and you're like, you think you should take some of that lesson for yourself. Hey. And so that was me with Kai on the weekend, which was really interesting because I'm coming into to pre launch now. The time I'm recording this is about a week before it goes live. So I've got two weeks until doors open.
Tina Tower [00:08:28]:
So, you know, shit's starting to get, get real now. And so coming in, and as he was playing at this tournament that he was at, so he's, he's gotten really good. His skills are great, but he hit off on the first hole and he did not do well. He bodged it, and not badly, like, not badly for anyone who's into golf. You know, every hole has, has par, which is like the recommended shots that you've got to do, like to do well on that hole. And he tries to get par or I birdie, which is just below par, so, so one better than the recommended. And he's been getting that quite consistently. And he did two over par, so two shots more than what he should have on the first hole by the time we got.
Tina Tower [00:09:12]:
So he went really quiet. I follow him and walk with him. By the time we got to the third hole, I was like, dude, you're not looking so good. Like, what's going on in your mind? What's happening here? And he said, like, he felt like his whole body was just heavy. Like, his arms had gotten really heavy, his head had gotten really cloudy, and he knew from. From that first hole that he did that the game wasn't going to go well, and he'd kind of lost it already. I'm like, honey, like, we've got 18 holes to play. Like, it's a little early to throw in the towel, but at the same time, as I was giving him a bit of a pep talk, I was also going like, I've been there so many times in so many situations that I've been in business where, you know, you get those early indications and you're like, I don't know how this is gonna go.
Tina Tower [00:09:59]:
This is not really feeling good. And so when you get into that situation, like, you've got three choices, and this is what I was explaining to Kai, you've got three different choices with how to get yourself into a different state when things are high. And when you're in, like, a performance mode, you got three different choices. One of them is to hold it lightly. So to do the things that are fun, to get light, to get happy, to get fun. Like, that is. That is one of my favorite states to be in while I'm launching or when I'm doing anything in business. That is.
Tina Tower [00:10:31]:
That is high stakes and high performance demands upon myself. So that is one. The second is to get really clear, really calm, really focused. So, like, go really inward and get really centered, really grounded. Like, you know what that feels like when you're just, like, you're just locked in, you're just like. And you're just in it so you can get yourself into that state. If that works. Well, the third one is to get mad.
Tina Tower [00:10:58]:
Like, be like, I'm gonna swear here, but be like, no fucking way am I letting this go. Like, I'm gritting in. Like, you wanna. You wanna take me? Let's go. I'm trained for this. I was born for this. Like, let's do it. And, you know, you're putting on the music, like, you might throw in some metallica there, and you're like, let's fucking get it.
Tina Tower [00:11:17]:
Like, that sort of energy. And so to me, there's those three different frames of mind that all work when you feel like you're going down. And I will choose to get myself in those different states depending on what I need for the next thing. So I was trying to explain that to Kai and get him to choose his thing anyway. He needs some mindset work to go. We all do, right? We all need the practice to get up there. But he's like, his thing with the gridiron is like, mom, I'm on hole three. Like, I can't be angry for the next 15 holes.
Tina Tower [00:11:48]:
Like, well, let's get happy. And I start dancing and I do things. He's like, you're embarrassing me anyway. But for you, I know you can relate to those different things. We need to keep our energy high when we're during launch. We don't want to be crying in the corner. We don't want to run away from it. The importance of maintaining high energy in launch is integral to your success.
Tina Tower [00:12:11]:
And so in this episode today, longest intro I've ever done, ever. Talk about going on a tangent, Tina, but in this episode today, I'm going to talk about mindset, physical energy boosters you can do how to plan for success and staying connected with your audience while you're going through. So let's get into it. Hello and welcome to her Empire Builder show. I'm your business strategist and host, Tina Tower, and I am so happy you are here. My goal with this show is to bring you the inspirational and informative conversations with interesting humans as well as the tools, tips and resources to help you build your online business. Since starting my first business at 20, I have built and sold four times. And in 2018, while traveling around the world with my family for a year, I tripped and fell into this wonderful world of online courses, and I instantly fell in love.
Tina Tower [00:13:07]:
I'm a million dollar course creator, a world traveler, bestselling author, a mama of two man children, and a lucky wife. There's no playing small here. It's your time to grow to run a highly profitable business that makes you wildly wealthy while you positively impact your clients and the world around you and have the life you've always dreamed of. Let's get it. When you are going into a live launch, a really great question to ask yourself is, what do I need to do daily so that I can maximize my energy and thrive in this launch? So that's the key, is we want to thrive. We don't just want to survive. We want to do everything that we can for, like our mind, our body, our relationships, our family and our finances. It's not just all about the business, how we actually thrive, how we actually do well is by doing every area of our life.
Tina Tower [00:14:06]:
And I think that sometimes that's looked over. And so I'm going to talk about a few different areas today and what I do in each of those areas to really sustain my energy and to give myself the best chance of thriving. Sure, life always throws you curveballs, but to me, I want to have enough space so that when the curveballs come, I can catch them, I can roll with them. They don't derail me. So the first one is power of mindset, which I've kind of touched on already. But to me, launching is as much of a mental game as it is a strategic one, up until the time we launch. So much of it is to do with strategy. It's so much to do with, like, getting our messaging clear and how we're going to roll it all out and having a really thorough launch plan.
Tina Tower [00:14:53]:
I have a very thorough launch plan, and it gets added to all the time. If you want my free, like, launch plan overview, you can go to free. That is the page where we have all of our free stuff. So there's like 20 different PDF download guides on there. One of them is a live launch checklist, so you can grab that. But inside her empire builder, we have very extensive launch plans with everything that you do, two months out, one month out, two weeks out, one week out, five days, four days, three days, two days, one day, game day, and then day by day, what we can do, and a lot of that can be prepared. But what happens is once we get into launch, like, you've really got to have our mindset right? And so the best launch that I have had, I've had a couple of really, really good ones. The two best ones I've had was launch house.
Tina Tower [00:15:50]:
So if anyone's followed for a while. Last year we did launch house, which was, I rented a house on the Gold coast in Australia, and I had five of my members there with me, and we ran launch live with other members. And it was so much fun and the energy was so good, and I felt so great because I was kind of reminded, like, this is who I do it for, this is what I'm doing here. And so the energy was so good that that's what made that a really good launch. The second one was I used to destination launch all the time. This year I haven't. Next year I'm going back to destination launching again because I really like to get into my own little bubble in my own little world and my own little zone and just, like, go for it. And I love being in a different location, and I just find it really inspiring and exciting.
Tina Tower [00:16:40]:
And this year, I was really trying not to travel very much because I've wanted to really spend a lot of time with my boys as they're getting older. And last year, I traveled too much, and so I swung my pendulum a little bit too far this year and haven't really traveled very much. And so next year, I'll be doing that. But the one I want to tell you about is one that I did in Mexico in 2022. No, 2023. Yes, 2023. March 2023. And it was one of my favorite launches.
Tina Tower [00:17:13]:
No, it was 2022. I'm just processing that going, gosh, with COVID like, didn't you lose track of years a little bit? It's happened to me a lot. Maybe I'm just getting old. I don't know. Anyway, it was March 2022. I went to Mexico to run the launch. I stayed in the cutest tiny little boutique hotel that was all in my brand colors. And this is important, too, right? Because you've got a.
Tina Tower [00:17:35]:
It's got a look on brand where you are. Like, I wouldn't go and launch from some natural looking, rustic, gorgeous place in Bali because that is not on brand for me. I would holiday there, but I wouldn't launch from there. And so I launched from Mexico. It was fantastic. I ate my body weight in guacamole. I swam every day. I rode horses on the beach.
Tina Tower [00:17:56]:
And the energy was. Was so high because I was able to just devote to the launch itself and my clients. And then in between, like, really fill my cup up. And there was one moment I was running a webinar, and I've got a thing for whales. Like, everyone has different animals that are, like, they're spirit animals, different things that they love. Like, to me, seeing a whale is such a rare and exciting moment that it's just. It's just mind blowing to me that we've got these creatures that just so big, like, as big as a bus, that are just, like, cruising around the ocean, being all beautiful and majestic. Like, I just love them.
Tina Tower [00:18:34]:
And I was running a webinar. I was facing out the window, and this whale breached and just, well, smack down on the water, and just, like, all the water flew up, and then the whale came back up and his flute, like, his tail came up above the water and just, like, started waving. And I was running the webinar, so I didn't talk about it during the web but I was running it and going. I felt like the universe was just, like, giving me a little nod. It was just like, you've got this, like you. We're saying hello, like we. And this is the thing is I do think that to get really good energy and to get any good results in business, in sport, in anything that you're performing with, you got to kind of believe the deck stacking stacked in your favor. You've got to believe that the universe is rigged in your favor, that it's all happening for you.
Tina Tower [00:19:23]:
And I know that that can sound really, like, selfish and egotistical, but I've seen it happen time and time again. And that launch for me was just magic. Like everything. I saw so much magic going on and I felt like I was in this, like, magic bubble of momentum that was happening and it felt so flowy and it felt so good and it felt so fun. And so that's why I like destination. Launching is most of the time I launch from Palm Springs, and next year I'm going to launch from Palm Springs because it's my happy place. I love it there. And you got to get yourself in the right energy to be able to do it.
Tina Tower [00:19:56]:
And that can't always happen. I know when I first launched, like, for the first few years of our business, it sounded like madness to go somewhere and launch. I'd be like, you bougie bitch, what are you doing? But, you know, the first time my destination launched, I just got an Airbnb so that I could go down the road. Like, I was literally ten minutes away so that I could really consume and like, like, get really into it with that. The other thing I have is like a launch mantra. And so I'll always come up with some sort of mantra or affirmation that is going to help me for that launch. For this launch coming up, I've got see it, feel it, believe it. And that will be my thing at the start of every day that I will meditate with, like, see it, see it really clearly in my mind's eye.
Tina Tower [00:20:38]:
What do I want to have happen? What people do I want to call in, how do I want to show up and be of service to people? Like, really see it and then feel it. Feel it in my body. Feel it as if it is true. Feel it as if it has already happened. Feel it as if I'm on the other side and we've done great and I did the best I could and I helped people as much as I possibly could. Like, all of that, I am seeing and then I'm believing it. I'm like, okay, that's happening. Like, it's a done deal.
Tina Tower [00:21:04]:
Let's go forth and conquer. So power of the mindset is really, really, like, so pertinent. The next thing is physical energy boosters. So when you're talking about energy, so much of what you need to focus on is the physical side of things. When you're doing launch, it's amazing how exhausting it can be purely from just the high stakes anxiety that you can get. Like the roller coaster ride that you get. Like, people are signing up or people are coming to your webinar and you're, like, on this high and you're performing and you're, like, doing all your thing and you're going as hard as you can, and then you're very depleted. And so you need to keep your physical energy high because even though it's a sprint, like, it's only we do an eight day live launch, it's a lot of energy to give out in eight days constantly.
Tina Tower [00:21:53]:
And so the things I do is really quality sleep. I mean, I prioritize sleep no matter what. I was diagnosed in my early twenties with ADHD. I went on a medication for a couple of years. I didn't like the way it made me feel. And so my early twenties, I learned a lot of different things that I know I need to do in order to function properly. And one of them for me is sleep. I always get eight to 9 hours of sleep a night and not really much messes with that.
Tina Tower [00:22:22]:
But when I'm in a launch stage, nothing messes with that. I am very, very conscious of my bedtime routine and getting enough really good quality sleep. It is so important. And things that can very easily get looked over if you. If you're under the pump with different things and you think, I'm just gonna work a little later, like, don't. You won't perform as well the next day. Go to sleep. Turn your phone off.
Tina Tower [00:22:47]:
Like, get away from it. The next is good nutrition, having food all planned out. So I always plan out my whole week's food. I have, like, my breakfast, lunch and dinner meal plan all done. Everything is there in the fridge. Everything, like the smoothies is in its little baggies, all ready to go. I'm very lucky. I have my husband who cooks me lunch every day.
Tina Tower [00:23:06]:
He knows exactly what he's doing and what time I'm going to be available for lunch and will have that ready for me when I sit down, which I know it's not lost on me how lucky I am to have him do that. But when he wasn't available to do that, that was when I would just really prepare for myself. The other thing I do is I try and do Pomodoro method as much as possible. So that's 90 minutes increments of work. So really, like, doing hyper focus for 90 minutes and then stop and walking. So I have a treadmill in my office, or I'll just go for a walk outside and get some sunshine for, like, ten minutes. Not very long at all, but just getting the blood moving, getting your neck, like, you know, you can get in those high stakes situations where you're in a launch or something like that, and you're, like, your neck and your shoulders. Even as I'm doing that, I'm, like, moving my shoulders around.
Tina Tower [00:23:54]:
Cause I'm like, you know when you've been sitting for a long time and you're like, it's just getting sticky in there, so you want to remember to just move. Like, just get that blood flowing. Like, just start feeling into your body a little bit more. And that's where stretching and yoga comes into play as well. I have a peloton bike, and I actually use it. I'm a little ashamed to say this, but I use it more for the classes than I do for the actual peloton itself. So it's got amazing meditation and stretching and yoga and strength classes all, like, programmed into it as well. And I use that, like, I do the stretch class every day, but I will do it every morning and every night in a launch time because I really want to, like, center in and get really in touch with my soul and not too much up in my head, because I know at launch time, like, we can get really up in our head, so that's physical.
Tina Tower [00:24:49]:
Next is strategic planning for a stress free launch. So planning is your best friend. Every time I've had the wheels come off launch, it's because I've left my run too late and I'm scrambling as it gets to the end. So I start planning for launch about three months out and start really, like, scheduling everything in about two months out. Now that I've got a couple of new team members, I'll start planning out, like, even earlier in there as well, so that the stress isn't with everybody. But once you've got everything planned, what that does is it means that in the launch itself, you can just fully show up, you know, that everything that needs to happen is already scheduled in there. It's already taken care of, so that you can just show up and do your job, which is what we want to do. We don't want to be on launch day, like, still making changes to the sales page or still writing emails or, like, going, what am I going to post on social media tomorrow? Like, no, you want to plan that all out so that, so that it's cohesive, so that it all tells the story throughout the launch, so that the journey is all there.
Tina Tower [00:25:55]:
You don't want to be ad hoc ing it. Like, winging it does not work. A lot of people like to think that they can just wing it and get away with it, of which, you know, there's not many people I've ever seen that can wing it and get successful. Like a plan. Plan. You want to break tasks down ahead of time so you avoid overwhelm. I know that I always have this moment, like a couple weeks ago when I'm about four to six weeks out from launch, when I look at my list of everything I still have to do on the launch board, and I will crap my pants a little, I will look at it and go, holy guacamole. How am I ever going to get this done? And it can be overwhelming.
Tina Tower [00:26:32]:
And then I do, what I always do when I get overwhelmed is I go to the top of the list. It's already there from past me, putting it in order of importance and all our dates on there. And we just do one thing at a time, just one at a time, and then you go, oh, my gosh, we're done. Okay. The other thing is I batch tasks. So I will look at everything that I've got to do to plan out and to prepare for launch, and I will batch it in there so that it's in my calendar because often we're short on time. And so it can really sneak up on you. Even if you're only doing two or three live launches a year, it can come in hot where you're like, you know, the launch is still, like, three months away, and then all of a sudden you're like, oh, my gosh, I'm too late.
Tina Tower [00:27:14]:
Ah. And then you get computer. You're like, me, nene, me, like, I know you know what that is because everyone gets that at some point. You learn the lesson the hard way, right? So you want to batch the task and schedule everything in there. Setting realistic goals for each day of the launch is a really good idea so that you, you know where you should be. So we track and measure everything. I am a data nerd. I love my data.
Tina Tower [00:27:39]:
And so the good part about that is when you're first starting, like when you're doing your first few launches, you'll be flying a little bit blind. You won't know what to expect in terms of, you know, if you've got so many people on your waitlist, what does that mean? What's your conversion rate going to be? What can you expect in terms of numbers coming in? If you have your training or a webinar on what conversion can you expect in there every day? How many videos are you going to record and send to people who are inquiring? How many DM's you're going to do? Like just putting goals for each day of your output that is realistic and that you can aim for every day. The other thing is preparing for team. So when you're in that strategic planning time, like really preparing team so they know what to expect. I didn't used to do this very well. I would just kind of set up for launch myself and then launch time would come and I'd be like, hey, we're like, you know, they know we're launching. But I wouldn't really like, I would think that the stress was on me and not on them. And what I came to start realizing was everyone was really stressed in a launch because they knew it was high stakes as well and they wanted to make it as good as possible for me.
Tina Tower [00:28:47]:
And so now I acknowledge that a lot and I go like, I know this is a stressful time. I know that the volume of work that we're doing is much higher than our normal more time, but, you know, this time next month, it's all going to be over. And then we just have to nurture and love up on our customers and we want to have as many customers there to love up on as possible. So I really prepare them and why we're doing it and how we're doing it and that I've got them and that everything can happen in time. The other thing is I prepare the family as well. So again, with the similar thing with team, you don't want to be, you know, in the situation where you're in the middle of a launch and you're running the kids around or, you know, you've got washing piling up or people have expectations on you that you're like, I don't have time for this. And sometimes people will say that to me like, I've got to do the different things. I'm like, just prepare so that you don't have to do that.
Tina Tower [00:29:41]:
And you can. You can say no to other things and get help from friends and help from family so that you can have as much as possible prepared so that you are there to give your full energy. Like, I'm always like, don't half ass full ass in a launch because it's high stakes. Like, I'll say that to my family and go for my sons as well. Like, they take really good care of me in launch because they know this is our time to shine. If I screw this up, that's going to affect their life massively. And they are part of our team. They're part of launch team, so they want to make it as smooth as possible for me so that I can focus on doing my job and showing up how I need to so that I can help run everything for everybody else.
Tina Tower [00:30:26]:
So really prepare with that. Like, don't worry about any housework. Don't worry about, like, just don't. I even send laundry out at that time. Like, there's. There's so many different things that you can do so that you can spend your time and your energy on connecting with people and doing the things that matter. Okay, next area is recharging and self care. Self care's got, like, a bit of a buzzword, let me tell you.
Tina Tower [00:30:48]:
Self care is not a luxury. It is a necessity to sustain high energy and launch. You get your selfish on, my friend. Too often I see people like, oh, I couldn't possibly do that. I am selfish, selfish, selfish in launch time because I need to be. Because I need to give so much more to so many other people. And I'm quite introverted. So every day, talking to people non stop and following people up and answering questions, it's a huge amount of energy output.
Tina Tower [00:31:21]:
The times that I'm not doing that, I need to then feel myself back up again so I can do that day after day for that eight days. Then once that's done, sure. Like, I am loving up on everybody in my life, like, all around me for 50 weeks of the year, but for two weeks of the year, I am miss selfish. And I make no apology for that because it's part of our job, and so you really need it to sustain high energy. So the things that I do for that is I meditate every morning. That's a bit of a non negotiable in terms of launch time. I have an end of day ritual, so I've got crystals that I have that's like, I've got one that's a black onyx that I. It's like an orb, it's like a ball.
Tina Tower [00:32:01]:
And I put any negative energy or anything I'm feeling into that ball. And then I pick up my rose quartz ball and I, like, breathe the love back into me so that I can then go into, into our home and kind of let all of the launch stuff of the day go and go into there. And then I watch trashy tv, I go to bed and I watch tv and I don't talk to anybody. And it's fantastic. I will often watch reruns of old shows that I love, like the west wing, Schitt's Creek, like all of those shows that I just love. I will get a massage. So in the lead up to launch, like the four weeks in the lead up, I get a massage every week. I have a sauna every week.
Tina Tower [00:32:42]:
And for launch week itself, I do that as well. I tell my friends that I'm launching so that they know if they call me and I don't answer why, but also so they can, you know, cheer me on, give me some, some pep talks. And when they see me on socials, like comment on the posts that I am sharing, because that's hard when you're putting posts out and no one's commenting or you're not getting enough traction on there, like, tell your friends, hey, can you support me? And your friends will go, hell yeah, I can, and jump on and give you that cheer which you need, and so let people support you. A lot of the time. I think that we can be closed off to actually accepting that support and asking for that help. It really makes so much difference when you can say, hey, this is what I can, this is what I need to be able to thrive in this environment. Can you help me? And a lot of people are so happy to be able to help you. So tell your friends, next is switching off time.
Tina Tower [00:33:39]:
Although it's really tempting to be on your phone the whole time that you're launching because hopefully, if launch is going well, you're getting bombarded with messages left, right, and they're coming in through social media, through emails, through your website, chatbot, like through everything. It's an abundance of messages. But as tempting as it is, switch that baby off, because you do need time to just percolate and just let your mind settle so that you, because you can't carry that intense energy for all day, every day for the whole eight days, you'll just get too tired. So you do need to have like three or 4 hours in the evening that's just switched off. Everything will be there for you tomorrow, I promise. Okay. And the last area is staying connected with your audience. So, I mean, you've got to remember who you're doing it for, right? So having genuine connections with your audience, that you can be talking to people and have avenues to actually have real conversations.
Tina Tower [00:34:41]:
One of the things I do in launch is I do clarity calls. So anyone that's like, I've got some questions that I want to ask about her empire builder, I want to have a chat, I open them up. We do, like, three days worth of that. So it's a lot of calls. And all of my friends that have businesses the same size as mine go, you are nuts. Like, you don't want to open up calls to the public and be talking to them and spending your time doing that. Just go en masse and that's it. Me, I love connecting with people.
Tina Tower [00:35:10]:
I love connecting with people one on one. I love figuring out what's their story. Can I help them? If I can't or if I think they're not ready for it yet, I will be able to recommend what can get them there in the meantime. And so to me, having those genuine connections and having those conversations means that I stay really, really dialed in to who I'm doing this for and what it's all for. Otherwise, you can get a little bit lost in, like, why am I putting in all this effort? Like, what is this even for? And so really having that connection with people will help you to be able to remember who you are and what you're doing this for. High energy is also contagious. So the more people you talk to, if you've got your energy and all the other things that I've been talking about all sorted, it will permeate throughout everything that you do, and the audience will just feed off your enthusiasm. So you really want to be able to connect with people and keep that energy high.
Tina Tower [00:36:08]:
Like, going live every day is such a good thing to do in a launch to stay connected with the people that you're talking to. Like, before you go live, put on some high energy music. I have a special Spotify playlist called Psych up. It's launch time that I listen to every launch, and as soon as I. It's funny. If I hear one of those songs and it's not launch time, I get, like, it changes my state straight away. I'm like, yeah, let's go, let's go, let's go. And so you can put on, like, that high energy music and then go live and, like, unleash that energy on everyone.
Tina Tower [00:36:42]:
Talk to as many people as you possibly can in the launch time, because it's your. It's your time, it's your game day. Like, let's do this. Okay, so that's all my areas for keeping launch high with your energy. Know that the roller coaster is coming. So I don't want to ever pretend that it's all sunshine and rainbows. There are always ups and downs in every launch, and. And I am definitely not immune to those.
Tina Tower [00:37:07]:
One of the reasons I recorded this episode was I was writing down, like, my things and going, like, the question I asked at the start, like, how can I nurture myself to show up and thrive in this launch? And one, like, this is why I decided to record it, was that these were a lot of things that I started planning for. And knowing that that roller coaster is coming makes it so much easier. So when that self doubt comes, when your energy starts waning, when your resilience start being beaten down, when you start getting a little bit negative, when you. When you start, like, just getting tired, like, just say hello and get observant with it. So rather than, you know, feeling like you're doing something wrong or you should be so happy and excited, but you're not, or something, like, just. Just say hello. Like, recognize that part of yourself and observe it. Get curious, like, why am I feeling this? Where is it coming from? For me, it's often fear of failure.
Tina Tower [00:38:01]:
I teach launching. I teach online business. So often the most familiar thing that comes up for me is if something's not hitting my goals, how it should, then I will look at that and go, oh, my gosh, like, am I going to be a loser? Is everybody going to go, oh, my gosh, if Tina can't do it, then I can't do it either. And we're all just going to fall down, like, and so that is the thing that comes up for me, and I have to really look at that and go, okay, so if something doesn't work out for me, why is it not working out? And how can I use that? Like, say something's changed in the market, how can I use that and pass that on to my clients really quickly so that they don't make that same mistake? So there's always different things and different ways we can frame it. But I always want to win. I always want to do well. I don't want it to suck, you know, like, we're going in, in a couple of weeks to launch, and there's a certain amount of people that I want to be able to welcome in to her empire builder. We've got good, better, best goals.
Tina Tower [00:38:58]:
So our good goal is 35, our better goal is 50. Our best goal is 75. The most I have ever got in a launch is 73 new members in one time. So we kind of work out with, with where we're sitting with waitlist registrations and with all different things like what is a, what are good, better, best goals for us to strive for. And I want them, like, I want the result. I want it to happen. We don't launch again after this for seven months. It's a really long time.
Tina Tower [00:39:27]:
And so when that does come up, if I feel like I'm not getting there fast enough, I'll really like come back to center and stay there. Because, I mean, one launch that I've had done, we got 60% of the whole launch in the last 12 hours. It's only ever happened once, but I know that that's possible. So I will never give up a launch until the final, final hour, actually the final minute. Because what's the point? You're not serving anyone by giving up sooner. You've done all the work coming in, so you've got to keep your mental state really, really good right until the very end. It's the only way that it works out really well. And that's something that I think is an individual journey for everybody.
Tina Tower [00:40:09]:
Because what works for me to get myself in the right state of mind is probably really different to you. And that's one thing that we have to do as business owners is learn how to master our own mental state. So have fun doing that. But remember, like, stay focused on who you are and what you're doing it for. Stay focused on the impact that you're having with your course and with your membership or whatever you're launching. Really focus on the impact, focus on who you're helping. Focus on that transformation promise and look at all of the proof that you've had for people that have gone through your program before and had really great results so that it can spur you on to go like, I want to help more people be able to do that. And instead of getting self focused, stay service focused.
Tina Tower [00:40:54]:
So instead of worrying about yourself and other people judging you and about being salesy, about losing like, whatever it is, turn that around and focus on how can you add value to this client, how can you help them get their goals, how can you empower them to succeed, like, really, instead of self, say, service focused so that you can do that and you will be absolutely fine. I hope that helps you with your next launch. I am cheering you on and if you want to be part of our launch activities, go to launch. Please know when I'm launching. I am not immune to everything. If you see posts, I would so love and appreciate if you could like give it a little cheer, give it a little atta girl. Give it a little like give it a little comment there. It never goes unnoticed.
Tina Tower [00:41:47]:
So thank you so much for playing along with my launch that's about to come up. I know a lot of people come along for the party and the festival that it is, but I'm cheering you on in your launch as well. Let's all do really, really great things. This episode was brought to you by my signature group coaching program, her Empire builder. The best online education for female course creators in the world. Check it out along with so many free resources to help you get building your empire and seeing those results that you deserve. If you loved this episode, please don't keep it a secret.
Tina Tower [00:42:25]:
Share it with a friend of on social media and tag me @tine_tower and give it a review. It really does help us to be able to bring you bigger and better content as we grow. Have the most beautiful day. I'm Tina Tower and I'm cheering you on all the way.