Join business strategist Tina Tower as she explores how to build your empire by packaging your expertise into online courses, speaking, content, podcasting and credibility.
Tina has over 17 years of experience in starting, building and selling companies, she's a speaker, teacher, mama and world traveller.
She's unapologetic about living an intentionally big life and if you want too, this show is designed to show you many different options to help you gain clarity over YOUR version of awesome.

Balancing teaching and business after temporary break.
Diversifying income through creating real estate courses.
Challenges of investing and understanding asset value.
Property investment, good for retirement, learn and invest.
Specializing in niche within niche within niche.
Persistence, adapting, and pushing through live events.
High expectations and commitment lead to success.
Striving for success and helping others achieve.
Are you ready for an inspiring ride?
On today’s episode of the Her Empire Builder Show, we’re bringing you the unstoppable force that is Julie Crockett! As the brilliant CEO of Australian Property Investment Solutions and a true queen of real estate, Julie is here to spill the tea on her journey from a single-income school teacher to a property-investing superstar.
In a world where securing a stable financial future feels like catching lightning in a bottle, Julie shows us it's not just possible—it's downright achievable! Whether you're a budding property mogul or simply eager for some feel-good inspiration, this episode is your ultimate roadmap to success.
Julie is the CEO of Australian Property Investment Solutions, a Buyer’s Agency founded in 2010, that specifically sources existing properties around Australia for investors who are time poor business executives, corporates and Australian ex pats living overseas.
Julie’s personal investing experience has proven that the length of time you spend in the property market pays off, buying her first investment property way back in 2002 and building a large portfolio of properties as a single mum on a single income.
As her investment portfolio kept growing and Julie started sharing her investing skills and helping friends and family to buy investment properties and build their portfolios. Not long after, Julie launched Australian Property Investment Solutions and continues to grow the business with a focus on helping more people to invest so that they can be financially strong and independent in retirement.
To provide more clarity for first time investors, Julie started providing her written expert commentary for Australian Property investor Magazine in 2017 to deliver current property market information for investors.
As well as continuing to run her Buyer’s Agency, Julie created dedicated property investing courses in 2020. Her signature course, The Millionaire Property Investor Program, walks first time investors step by step through each critical stage of buying an investment property.
In 2021, ‘Her Investment Property’ Podcast was launched to provide women with real life examples and some inspiration of other women who are frequently investing and building their own property portfolios. Julie also runs both live and online Events for Property Investors.
In 2023, Julie introduced 'Buyer's Agent Courses,' a comprehensive online Course designed to fast track the journey of new Buyer's Agents and other real estate professionals toward becoming proficient Buyer's Agents who work with property investors.
Leveraging Julie's extensive industry expertise and wide-reaching network, this course, together with live, weekly Coaching and accountability sessions offers a shortcut to mastering the skills, knowledge and confidence necessary for success in the Buyer's Agent field.
'Buyer's Agent Courses' is the ideal resource for those seeking a swift and effective career transition.
Where to find Julie Crockett:
Website here
Facebook here
LinkedIn here
Podcast here
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Show transcription
Tina Tower [00:00:00]:
Hi friends, and welcome to another episode of her Empire Builder podcast. I am so happy to be joining you today. I am bringing you another of our member success stories in our series. And these are some of my favorite things that I have done. You know, sometimes you do things and you go, why didn't I do this earlier? But every second week I am bringing you one of our member stories. And the feedback so far has been wonderful because as much as it is so, so incredible to hear multimillionaires and how they've created it and the inspiration from that, it is just as inspiring, if not more so, to hear people that are further at the beginning of their journey and going, how can I get from that? From that naught to my first hundred thousand, from my nought to my first half a million in million? And how can I go from like ideation to something epic? And today I've got someone who's a little bit further along in that journey, the fabulous Julie Crockett, who has been a member in inside her empire builder since 2020. So for four years now. So we know each other quite well.
Tina Tower [00:01:09]:
And so a little bit about Julie. She's the CEO of australian property Investment Solutions, which is a buyer's agency founded in 2010 that specifically sources existing properties around Australia for investors who are time poor business executives, corporates and australian expats living overseas. Her personal investing experience has proven that the length of time you spend in the property market pays off. She bought her first investment property way back in 2002 and has built a large portfolio of properties as a single mum on a single income. And I love that she's been able to do that and show other people how they can do the same because a lot of people that I talk to go like, I'm nowhere near the level of being able to invest and Julie's showing you that you can. So to provide more clarity for first time investors, Julie started providing her written expert commentary for australian property investor magazine back in 2017 and she now continues to run her buyer's agency. But also in 2020, when her empire builder entered her life, she launched her signature course, the millionaire property investor program, and that walks first time investors step by step through each critical stage of buying your investment property. Then in 2021, she started her investment property podcast and that was launched to provide women with real life examples, inspiration of other women who are frequently doing their investing and building their property portfolios.
Tina Tower [00:02:35]:
And in 2023, Julie introduced her buyer's agent courses, which are comprehensive online courses for new buyer's agents and real estate professionals. So she's done a few different iterations inside of online business, and today we're talking a little bit about property and how you can get into that, but also about Julie's journey and how she has gone from being a teacher to starting her business to then going into courses in there as well. So I hope you find it incredibly helpful. Here she is. Julie Crockett. Hello and welcome to her Empire builder show. I'm your business strategist and host, Tina Tower, and I am so happy you are here. My goal with this show is to bring you the inspirational and informative conversations with interesting humans, as well as the tools, tips, and resources to help you build your online business.
Tina Tower [00:03:29]:
Since starting my first business at 20, I have built and sold four times. And in 2018, while traveling around the world with my family for a year, I tripped and fell into this wonderful world of online courses, and I instantly fell in love. I'm a million dollar course creator, a world traveler, best selling author, a mummer of two man children, and a lucky wife. There's no playing small here. It's your time to grow to run a highly profitable business that makes you, you, wildly wealthy while you positively impact your clients and the world around you and have the life you've always dreamed of. Let's get it. Julie Crockett, welcome to her empire builder show.
Main Episode
Julie Crockett [00:04:14]:
Oh, thank you so much, Tina. I'm so excited to be here, let me tell you.
Tina Tower [00:04:18]:
Well, I mean, we've been in each other's world for a long time now. You've been a member for four years, which is very, very exciting. And I've seen so many different iterations and growth and everything that you've done in that time. But you've been in business for 14 years, 15 years now.
Julie Crockett [00:04:37]:
Yeah, 2010. I set up the business. So.
Tina Tower [00:04:41]:
Yeah, yeah. So you've had a lot of iterations, and so that's what I love to talk to members about with our member story series is how this all came about. And so you were a teacher. How did you get into property from being a teacher? Like, was that a personal interest or how did that happen?
Julie Crockett [00:05:00]:
Yeah, great question. Personal interest. I, many, many years ago, being a single mom, I got a super statement in the mail, and I thought, oh, no. Like, I had such a little amount of money in there, and we kind of go into this whole, what is going to happen in old age? When I thought, you know, very, very little super. And I've still got to support my kids through high school. I've still got to do all these things and I just thought that investing would be the way forward and that's exactly what I did. I grabbed that with both hands and after doing a bit of exploration, started investing in residential property. Back in 2002, actually.
Tina Tower [00:05:44]:
Yeah. And so did that just come, like, did you read a book? Did you hear someone speak, like, where did that come from? And thought, you know, as a single mom, because that's quite a big thing as a single mum, to go, I'm going to go and start investing in property.
Julie Crockett [00:05:57]:
Yeah. Especially as I already had a mortgage as well, so I had a mortgage and two kids and. Yeah, it was a bit.
Tina Tower [00:06:04]:
Was that back when. So I think the first. My first property, I'm trying to think of how old I am and when that. Because I bought my first one when I was 18 and I think that would have been. I graduated high school in 2001, so that would have been 2002. So that was the time when they were giving 100% loans, right?
Julie Crockett [00:06:23]:
Yeah, I don't think I. I think you're right. It was around about that time. It was a whole lot easier to get money.
Tina Tower [00:06:30]:
Yeah. Well, I bought three properties by the time I was 21 with 100% loans as a casual worker and a full time student, which is impossible now.
Julie Crockett [00:06:41]:
Tina Tower [00:06:42]:
We were very lucky to have that opportunity.
Julie Crockett [00:06:45]:
Yeah. There's a great message in there that if the opportunity is there and you think it makes sense and you want that, then do it, like, don't think twice. I think that for everybody, it's such an important message because times like that don't necessarily come back.
Tina Tower [00:07:05]:
Yeah, but, I mean, you don't know how lucky you are until it passes sometimes, though, too.
Julie Crockett [00:07:09]:
Yep, very true. Yeah.
Tina Tower [00:07:11]:
I was having this conversation with a friend the other day about our 2% fixed rate home loans that we got for a hot minute there and going, see, I didn't really like. I wasn't luxurious in that as much as what we should have.
Julie Crockett [00:07:23]:
Yeah, I think the next rate drop we get and it will come at some point.
Tina Tower [00:07:28]:
Julie Crockett [00:07:29]:
Just going to hear this enormous yippee across the Australian landscape.
Tina Tower [00:07:34]:
Totally. Anyway, back to your story, Julie. Sorry to hijack that and go off on a bit of a digression there. So you started buying property while you were teaching still?
Julie Crockett [00:07:45]:
Yeah. So that's sort of my teaching, funded my. What became my passion. But to answer the first part of your question, the thing that got me started was actually my parents, in their lifetime, had one investment property and I could see that it worked for them. And I thought, yeah, maybe I should try that. And I didn't really understand shares at that stage. I didn't really have any other avenue. And so that's why I went down the property sort of track.
Tina Tower [00:08:14]:
Yeah, yeah. And then, so from there, that was eight years until you started in the business. So what happened in that eight years?
Julie Crockett [00:08:24]:
Yeah, I got, I had a friend who was also a teacher, and she had a huge property portfolio, and we used to get together and just talk property. Other people thought we had like three heads because what are these we've been talking about? But we just loved it. And we do our research through term time, and then come holiday time, we jump on planes and we go to amazing places around Australia and we'd check out stuff. And mostly we bought, like, we were just quite chronic investors in those days. And so, yeah. And what I did, I used my teaching income to, to source that, to fund that, to do all of my acquisition. And then I had people coming to me and saying, oh, you know, what are you doing? How are you doing it? I'd really love to do that. Can you show me how to do that? Can you help me how to do that? And so I was helping people invest.
Julie Crockett [00:09:29]:
And then basically, yeah, I got to 2010 and I got to a significant age, and it was like the crossroads, you know, when you hit a crossroads in life. And I thought, you know, I could go on teaching for the next, you know, ten years and it would be okay. I can do that. I enjoy it. Or I could launch into this space, which is, you know, I'd never set up a business. I'd never run a business. I'd never done anything with business. But the property part of it really excited me.
Julie Crockett [00:09:59]:
And helping other people do that really excited me. So that's how I got into the business in 2010, got my real estate license, and then, you know, just started helping lots of people. And it's been, it was at a time when people had no idea what a buyer's agent was. So I'm a buyer's agent. I work with investors, and people would say, you're a what? And you do what? And so, yeah, it was all very new, but I love, I've since learned that actually, I really love the new spaces because.
Tina Tower [00:10:31]:
Yeah, totally.
Julie Crockett [00:10:33]:
So much opportunity.
Tina Tower [00:10:34]:
Yes, I completely agree.
Julie Crockett [00:10:36]:
Yeah. So, and that excites me a lot.
Tina Tower [00:10:40]:
Yeah, yeah. And so when you first started, because I'm always interested when people go from employment into self employment, did you start doing the buyer's agents before you let your teaching job go? Or, like, did you have a buffer or did you cut that. And then went all in. How did your transition go from, quotes, normal life into this wonderful world of entrepreneurship?
Julie Crockett [00:11:04]:
Yes. What happened was I being a teacher, you can do that part time. So I started doing, I initially took a twelve month period off and then I had to come back into my role because one of my staff got quite, very, very ill and so, but once that phase finished and she was absolutely fine, thank goodness that I could then do my two days a week into teaching. Two days a week and then doing business. And of course when you're doing something half, half, that's a real challenge as well because you're constantly drawn to, you know, the things you should be doing in the teaching and the things that I need to be doing in the business role. And at that stage I had a business coach who was really down to earth and she just laid it down one day to me after I'd been doing business for about twelve months, and she said, well, what are you going to do? Are you going to treat this like a hobby or are you going to get in there and do business with a few expletives in the middle? And I kind of it, and it hit me that, yeah, I'd replaced my income, my teaching income with business income and now I have to make a choice.
Tina Tower [00:12:23]:
Julie Crockett [00:12:24]:
And I just, I lost it, literally lost it because that security of having.
Tina Tower [00:12:32]:
Especially a government employed job.
Julie Crockett [00:12:34]:
Yeah, it was a private school job, but even so, like, irrespective of all of that, it's security that I'd never known any differently ever. And to let that go, oh boy, I was a mess. Yeah. 24 hours and I, it tore me and I thought, this is what got me over the line. This is your one opportunity to do what you actually want to do.
Tina Tower [00:13:05]:
Yeah. Well done. That's always a massive, massive moment in the story. Yeah. And so you went all in then, and so that was about 2012, 2010? Yep, yep. And then you kept being a buyer's agent until you found the online space. Did it have any other iterations in between?
Julie Crockett [00:13:25]:
No, just buyer's agent right the way through. And then I think what got me over the line with the courses was the fact that I knew I could put a course together. I knew I had the ability to be able to, you know, generate content and make it meaningful and I, and be able to do all those parts of it. And I really wanted something to diversify my income as well, like have another income stream, because in property. Yeah, it's, it can be family fees depending on interest rate rises, depending on election time, depending on, like, people, property investment runs on sentiment, a lot of positive sentiment. And if there's not a lot of positive sentiment in the market, then people don't buy because they don't have to. So, yeah, so having that diversity was really, really, again, exciting to set up, but also to see it work. And it's taken some time because, yet again, and I've just come to the conclusion, in order to move into the course creator space, you actually have to carve out time from poor business to be able to make that happen.
Julie Crockett [00:14:49]:
So it's a similar kind of.
Tina Tower [00:14:51]:
Yeah, you have to do the same thing. 1ft in. 1ft in. Yeah.
Julie Crockett [00:14:55]:
And not as intense because I've. I've worked out, yes, I can make income from property. Being a buyer's agent, that's fine. But, yeah, just now grappling with and taking on with, you know, both hands, I grip. I grip them like that because it's taking that on board and going, yeah, I can do this as well.
Tina Tower [00:15:16]:
Yeah, that's so good. And so you started with us in 2020.
Julie Crockett [00:15:21]:
Tina Tower [00:15:22]:
And then millionaire property investor program was born in 2021. How did you distill everything that you wanted to do in buyer's age? Because I know a lot of people are in this situation where they've been doing their traditional business and they've got all of their knowledge and there was probably 20 different courses you could have done around property. How did you settle on millionaire property investor to start with and tell us about what that looks like from an offer point of view as well?
Julie Crockett [00:15:49]:
Yeah, I think what really honed that idea was that fact that I was working with a lot of women over the time that I'd set up the business. And it just still guts me, really, that so many women want to invest. They love the idea of investing, but when it comes to doing it, they find a mean and one ways where they can't do it. So, you know, I like confidence. I don't understand what I'm doing. I need to. To know more about property investing before I take the leap. I'm too old, I'm too young, I'm too, like, there were so many things that kept coming out of that and end result being, you know, if people are confused, they tend not to do it.
Tina Tower [00:16:34]:
Julie Crockett [00:16:35]:
And then we get, of course, the spin off effect of that is, you know, women that are retiring with nothing and you're kind of going, oh, it just. So, yeah, I took that step to try and help women come into the space with me and their public investor program to give them the knowledge and the understanding in order to then move.
Tina Tower [00:16:56]:
On into investing and what was that first offer that you launched with?
Julie Crockett [00:17:02]:
Yeah, the first offer I mean I've had as many people do, I think.
Tina Tower [00:17:08]:
As all of us do iterations you.
Julie Crockett [00:17:11]:
Launch in with all the right things that you think you need but there's things missing there were still gaps in what I did, you know, I had no one show up I had you know, I thought I'd webinar no one show up so I went and did an affiliate approached someone who was a great affiliate for me and did that so the offer was basically that it was twelve weeks, a twelve week course it was I've offered it at various price points I think the first price point was 997 yeah and then yeah basically and that was weekly hand holding, weekly q and a weekly, you know, sessions, all the rest of it to try and help them as much as I could and so yeah and I've had fairly mixed results with the affiliate group that I've used and they have been amazing, they've been wonderful I'll tell you this bit because this sort of breaks my heart in many ways I, the last round that I did with them I thought I'd offer a couple of spaces in the course so I had about I think six came on and purchased full price but I asked if there were people who would like to join in sponsored spots and 14 people applied for the sponsored spots in other words yes you can come in free of charge and I got to the first I started interviewing them so I called them up please leave me a number I called them up first woman, she was in her early thirties she'd just gone through like six years worth of cancer treatment she was like you know, your early thirties yeah and she sort of was really financially had been smashed through that and you know wanted just to get a foothold into understanding how she could get onto the property layer so I thought okay and then the next call I made was a woman a woman who was living in a hotel room with her two little children and her dog who had fleed domestic violence situation oh my gosh and after the second call I couldn't make any more calls yeah, yeah, yeah.
Tina Tower [00:19:32]:
You'Re like okay that's it, yeah I.
Julie Crockett [00:19:34]:
Can'T do this and then that opened up this whole other world of course of reality yeah how many women are actually going yes all and sundry and yet still how important that message is yeah get the knowledge if you, if that's what you need get the knowledge, get whatever to get into investing when you can. Yeah, yeah, that's. It's been a huge journey, that one.
Tina Tower [00:20:01]:
And so what we touched on at the start, how lucky we were to get into property when we did, how does that compare to now if people wanting to start to buy their first investment property now?
Julie Crockett [00:20:13]:
Yeah, look, I think if we hold on to the narrative that then was easy and now is tough and now is, and next year will be tougher and, I mean, we really don't know what that means. And I think the huge message is like investing and you may say the same thing. And I'll ask you the question in a minute, Tina, even though you're the one to ask. But from my perspective, investing back in 2002, building a portfolio, and the result that it brought me was being able to move into this business because I did have a financial backing. If all else fails, people said, if all else fails, you can go back to teaching. No, if all else fails, I can just sell something and I'm cash flowed to the wazoo to do whatever comes next.
Tina Tower [00:21:05]:
Julie Crockett [00:21:05]:
So I think the message is for everybody, if you've got the capacity to invest in property now, now is the time you do it. Whether it's easy, whether it's hard. If you put it off, the most powerful thing you will ever, ever have is your time and your income.
Tina Tower [00:21:27]:
Julie Crockett [00:21:27]:
And while you've got those two things, you can make an amazing difference to the outcome, you know, your retirement outcome down.
Tina Tower [00:21:37]:
Yeah. Completely.
Julie Crockett [00:21:38]:
Yeah. So would you agree, I mean, what would you say, Tina has been for you the most powerful thing with your property investment journey?
Tina Tower [00:21:46]:
I mean, I think it's exactly that, that I did when I could, kind of thing. So for me, it started so young because I'm very, very close with my grandma. She's 97 now and she was amazed when I turned 18 that I could get a loan without a man's signature. She thought that was the most incredible thing. And for her, I remember her still now, all those years ago, like grabbing my face with her hands and saying, you have no idea how lucky you are. This is going to change your whole life. Your life will be. You can be an independent, strong woman.
Tina Tower [00:22:25]:
She was so excited by the opportunity that to me was so normal, that to her was groundbreaking. And so I kind of saw it as my responsibility to take on the, this loan and do this. And when I say I bought property, my first property was in Canberra and it was $70,000 was a little apartment. My second was $50,000. Was a house up in Mackay. So, like, I bought. I couldn't buy anything in Sydney where I lived or anything like that. I would search far and wide for what I could afford next at the time.
Tina Tower [00:22:58]:
And then once I had got to a comfortable place, I was like, can I go again and do that? Until I started having children and then borrowing capacity, and everything changed there, so we had to change that. I am really glad that she did that for me in saying, like, now's the time, because I think had I not done that, I would have. I don't know when the time would have been right. And I talked to a lot of girlfriends of mine that if they don't have properties, that it's such a big thing in their minds. And to me, share, like, similar to you, I didn't understand shares. I was like, how can the value of a company go up and down that much? Like, it just makes no sense. To me, a house was like something stable and something solid. I could see it.
Tina Tower [00:23:43]:
I could visit it. It made sense. And to me, it was still. Now I invest in share. I invest in all sorts of things, but to me, houses are still stable. They're still predictable. Yes. They go up and down.
Tina Tower [00:23:57]:
I've had one property that I sold seven years later and made, like, $10,000, and we had one. I remember we sold one of our houses, and then that was just before COVID hit, and then Covid hit, and it went up by a million dollars. And I was like, damn it. So, you know, you take all of that in there, but being in the game and actually having something there is, like, I know my retirement will be fine because of that. So I completely agree in that, you know, you need to learn about it and educate yourself about it so that you know how accessible it can be. And if it's not accessible now, what you need to do in order to make it accessible, because I still remember you've asked me this question. Now I'm, like, going off on a tangent, but I remember reading the financial review a couple years ago when they were talking about all of property investing, and it was, like, the percentage of people that had more than one property, and then the percentage of people that had two and three and four plus, and it was only, like, zero point, something that had more than four, and women made up, like, 2% of those. Like, it was tiny.
Tina Tower [00:25:00]:
And so that is why I love your program. So tell us about what are you offering? Because I know your offer has changed a lot in the last four years. What does it look like now, just.
Julie Crockett [00:25:10]:
To clarify, that stat, it's 0.06% of all investors own six or more properties. Wow. Yeah. And it's a tiny amount of people in relation to the population of Australia.
Tina Tower [00:25:24]:
Yeah, yeah.
Julie Crockett [00:25:25]:
It's becoming more and more thing now, which is really good because people are understanding that. Yeah. If I want to have a great retirement, then I've got to do other things. My income will not cut it and.
Tina Tower [00:25:36]:
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Julie Crockett [00:25:39]:
So what's changed is I've rejigged, I guess, refurbished my millionaire property investor program and changed the name to property investor boot camp. And so I've done it in sort of smaller bite sized pieces because it was quite an enormous course. I basically took all my knowledge and.
Tina Tower [00:26:01]:
Yes, which is what a lot of people do at the start and overwhelm everybody.
Julie Crockett [00:26:05]:
Yeah. And they can't. I had these women going, oh, look, the course is great, but wow. So anyway, I've trimmed it back and what have you. But in most recent times, I mean, last year, because I'm in the market all day, every day talking to sales agents, I was having conversations with sales agents that went like, oh, Julie, I've got, I talked to these buyer's agents and I'm ripping my hair out. They have no clue what they're doing. They've like I want and half of them I won't deal with. I just don't even pick up the phone.
Julie Crockett [00:26:39]:
And I thought, oh, that's really sad, but interesting. And when I dug a bit deeper, I realized that, yeah, there are more and more buyers agents coming into the real estate industry that are not really prepared or they might know how to buy property, but they actually don't know how to work with clients. They don't know how to onboard people. They don't know how the business side works. They don't know how to work with people who might be very, very nervous about being buying their very first investment property and what I do to sort of help them through that patch, you know? And so I thought, right, okay, maybe there's a course in this.
Tina Tower [00:27:25]:
You've spoken like a course creator.
Julie Crockett [00:27:27]:
I know. And then, and so, yeah, now I'm sort of smitten with course creation, which is like property slash course creation. Amazing. So jumped into basically that helping new buyer's agents to be able to become really, really, really good buyers agents. And interestingly enough, just in the last couple of weeks, I've had conversations with some of the big players in buyers agent world and they're scaling they, a lot of them are starting to scale now. They're sitting around 30 to maybe 40 deals per month. They haven't got the buyer's agents to be able to do that.
Tina Tower [00:28:12]:
Julie Crockett [00:28:13]:
So I kind of went, here I am. I can train them. I can train your existing stuff. So I'm starting to move more and more now into that corporate space. And what makes my heart sing is the fact that I've always wanted in taking on this step of helping buyers agents to really make, to be an influence. To be an influence and make an impact in that sector of real estate. So I kind of went, that's happening. The opportunity is there.
Julie Crockett [00:28:51]:
I just need to step in, into that space now. Yeah.
Tina Tower [00:28:54]:
I need to do the same thing again like you did at the beginning, see the opportunity and go after it.
Julie Crockett [00:28:58]:
Yeah. So it's like seeing a niche in your market and then finding the niche within the niche.
Tina Tower [00:29:06]:
Julie Crockett [00:29:07]:
And then even going deeper than that, like find the niche within the niche within the niche. Because people, when I ran, so I started to created the buyers agent course and I thought I would put it out there. So off to one bit of a tangent. I guess that's one part of what I've done in recent times is starting to work with the bigger players in buyer's agency world, but also to create that first course where I thought, okay, I've got the millionaire property investor program pretty much with a few more tweaks and onboarding and business sort of side of things. That's my buyer's agent course, which I then added whole lot more to as well and thought, okay, this time I'm going to put out Facebook ads. This time I'm going to do all the things. And I could not believe the response. Every man and his dog want to be buyer's agents.
Julie Crockett [00:30:04]:
Really easy way to make money. Go figure that. But so I had my first webinar. I thought, okay, put it out there. Over 100 people that responded. And I thought, wow, I've not talked to sort of more than ten on a webinar before, but that's okay.
Tina Tower [00:30:23]:
Yeah, cool.
Julie Crockett [00:30:24]:
Like ten in, right. And on the night. So I set it up and I had my little presentation there and it was just me and I opened it up and of course, 49 people, amazing show up.
Tina Tower [00:30:39]:
Julie Crockett [00:30:39]:
I know, I'm kind of going, oh, just one moment because I got it. Like, I didn't have an assistant. I've got to let in like six more people and then ten.
Tina Tower [00:30:47]:
Julie Crockett [00:30:48]:
Anyway, we got through that bit and so, yeah, basically the people and the people who were most on board to come in were those who would actually set up some kind of a buyer's agency, had no clue what they were doing and went, quick, Julie, quick, I need the course. Help me, help me, help me.
Tina Tower [00:31:08]:
Julie Crockett [00:31:09]:
Tina Tower [00:31:10]:
I love the way it evolves. And one thing leads to the next thing, which leads to the next thing, which leads to the next thing.
Julie Crockett [00:31:16]:
Yeah, yeah.
Tina Tower [00:31:17]:
So good.
Julie Crockett [00:31:18]:
Just being open, I think, is to, to all of that and not being too fearful when it all pops up and you're sort of going, oh, that's the next thing. Okay.
Tina Tower [00:31:27]:
Yeah, that's it. So what advice would you give to others wanting to level up in their online business?
Julie Crockett [00:31:34]:
Yeah, exactly that. I think just, yeah, try and find that niche in, in the area that you're currently in, because when you do find that niche and people want your thing, they're going to jump on it.
Tina Tower [00:31:50]:
Julie Crockett [00:31:51]:
The greater the need. And I'm thinking of a couple of different ladies in, in your group. Tina, the need comes from a very deep, personal one, and it's either something to do with family and how can I address the need in my family situation with the buyer's agent? Course, it's all about perceived income and being able to generate income from something that people feel they will enjoy doing. So there's a lot of people at the moment, in this particular point in time, that are very disenchanted with their job, their career, whatever. And, yeah, they're looking for something else. So if you can find and hit those pain points and solve those problems, I think you're on a winner for sure. Yeah.
Tina Tower [00:32:43]:
Julie Crockett [00:32:43]:
It doesn't make it any easier, necessarily, because it's all about persistence. It's all about making sure that we are looking at what has happened before and trying to adjust it to make it, you know, more relevant the next time around you present or have your webinar or whatever it is. But, yeah. And I was, I was the lady who said, rather than do a live launch, Tina, you remember these words, I would rather put poke sticks in my eyes than do a live launch. And I had, those words came back to me when I was doing the buyers, you know, I was setting up to do this buyer's agent live training webinar, and I thought, you know what? I just need to do this thing, poke the sticks in my eyes and get the hell on with it.
Tina Tower [00:33:34]:
And was it that bad, Julie?
Julie Crockett [00:33:36]:
Well, it wasn't.
Tina Tower [00:33:38]:
The thing that I.
Julie Crockett [00:33:39]:
The fear is that no one's going to tune up or I'll get lost yeah.
Tina Tower [00:33:42]:
And look, you had a 50% show up rate.
Julie Crockett [00:33:44]:
Yeah. And so that gets you over the fear because inside you going, oh, people turned up.
Tina Tower [00:33:50]:
Is that why you put it off for so long was because you were afraid no one was going to show up?
Julie Crockett [00:33:54]:
That was part of it. Yeah. And, and why do I keep persisting when, you know, it's probably not going to work anyway?
Tina Tower [00:34:04]:
Which you're not alone in that. People do that all the time.
Julie Crockett [00:34:07]:
Yeah, yeah. It's, it's, it's a, it's a self preservation mechanism, I'm sure where, other than go down that track, we're not to do it and then we don't have to feel that.
Tina Tower [00:34:19]:
Yeah, yeah. But then you never reach your potential.
Julie Crockett [00:34:22]:
Yeah, exactly.
Tina Tower [00:34:24]:
Never see what you're capable of, which is my favorite thing about business, is you really get to see just what you're capable of doing.
Julie Crockett [00:34:30]:
Yeah, yeah. And I, hats off to people who, when the chips are absolutely, absolutely down and, you know, they've got nowhere else to go, but they still persist and they just dig deeper and deeper and deeper.
Tina Tower [00:34:43]:
Julie Crockett [00:34:44]:
That shows you the real integrity and the character of the person.
Tina Tower [00:34:48]:
Yeah, for sure. What is your favorite thing about being a course creator?
Julie Crockett [00:34:54]:
Yeah. Changing lives. Yeah, changing lives, 100%. And people will tell me that.
Tina Tower [00:35:02]:
And yours is such a big change, too.
Julie Crockett [00:35:05]:
Tina Tower [00:35:06]:
Like, it's huge. It's a huge undertaking. Yeah, yeah.
Julie Crockett [00:35:10]:
I say that right at the very beginning. I say, you know, when they first come into the course, I'm, you know, I give everyone 100%. My expectations of everyone in this course is we are going to dig deep and we are going to do all of the work and we're going to, like, I just lay it on so thick because I think if we're going to make changes and people are half hearted about it, then it's not going to work for them. I want them to get the results. I want them to be successful. I tell them that I will keep working. If you put in the effort, I'll keep working with you forever so that you are successful in whatever, you know, whatever angle of buyers, agency you're going to do. So.
Tina Tower [00:35:54]:
Yeah, I love that. That's dedication, Julie. And of course, I have to ask you, what's your favorite thing about being part of her empire builder?
Julie Crockett [00:36:03]:
Look, I think there's lots of things, actually, because you cannot see what you cannot see. So first and foremost, you know, to see you, Tina, and other women doing what you do, that brings it to reality. And I'm very much a believer of and it's not. I don't have. It's not. How can I put this? I'll just say it. I really believe that if anyone else can do it, so can I do it? Because you've got to have that level of self belief to know that when things are going great, fantastic, but when they're not, that's when you know yourself and you know that you've got to just keep going.
Tina Tower [00:36:52]:
Julie Crockett [00:36:53]:
And that is role modelled and I think that is really important. The community is great. I think, you know, having that ability to be able to reach out to people as individuals and we kind of, we all know where we're coming from. I think that's been really lovely. I think that, yeah, it's, it's getting that snapshot of. And it's a bit like be your future self now.
Tina Tower [00:37:23]:
Julie Crockett [00:37:25]:
Getting that snapshot of what you were and then having that vision of what you can be and then stepping into that as if you already were.
Tina Tower [00:37:38]:
Yeah, I love that. Which segues perfectly to my final question is where, where are you heading? What does it future look like for you? Like, what does that success look like?
Julie Crockett [00:37:50]:
Yeah, I've always struggled with that. What does success look like for me? I can answer the first part of that question. So where definitely I'm absolutely wanting to and will make declaration will make an impact on the real estate industry for the better, particularly in the buyer's agent sector, because that people are. I'm passionate about people and helping people and seeing them be successful and I always say, you know, my true hope is that you are way more successful in a way better buyer's agent than I am, like, and if you achieve that, you know, everyone wins and, yeah, that's my biggest goal at the moment and just being able to help more and more people. I love the tech side of it as well. So that, that side of it is going to be really, really exciting. Where we're heading as a country, I think that is. I'm not digressing, I'm actually still on point is that what's coming for us all in the future is incredibly exciting and the way we do business now certainly will not be the way we do business even in five years time.
Julie Crockett [00:39:07]:
And how we then navigate that as business owners and how we embrace those changes and step into the tech that's coming to make the difference in our businesses, that's, I think, going to be the next greatest challenge for all of us.
Tina Tower [00:39:27]:
Yeah, it's so exciting. I can't wait. Julie, we love having you part of our world and cheering you on all the way in. The show notes we'll link to to all of your programs and resources and all of the things there. But thank you so much for sharing your story.
Julie Crockett [00:39:42]:
Thank you, Tina. Thank you very much for the opportunity.
Tina Tower [00:39:45]:
This episode was brought to you by my signature group coaching program, her Empire builder. The best online education for female course creators in the world. Check it out along with so many free resources to help you get building your empire and seeing those results that you deserve. If you loved this episode, please don't keep it a secret. Share it with a friend on social media and tag @tina_tower and give it a review. It really does help us to be able to bring you bigger and better content as we grow. Have the most beautiful day.
Tina Tower [00:40:22]:
I'm Tina Tower, and I'm cheering you on all the way.